
Commercial Break

So im taking a commercial break to really do me.
Today was a new day.
The day before seemed to fade as the lessons of a new shined through my window this morning.
But is it not the day before that gives me the essence to face today?
My mind must move forward with time, this we must all understand.
Time waits for no man and to waste it would be to waste life.
But what will be made of the rest of me?
As my mind races to keep up with the passing day, my hands remain in a time of distress and pain.
My heart stumbled along the way and has much catching up to do.
My ears still hear the ringing of songs once adored.
I eyes get stuck on photos of times that my mind believes no longer exist.
Today i felt good about school for the first time in two years.
Lets hope that these decisions are the right ones.
If not, then I'm used to starting over ;)
Back to your regularly scheduled program...


LoserDigest said...

time is a funny idea... that's never wasted if something is gained from it.

T...Mel said...

you should re-read this post and count the amount of times you use the word mind... sometimes it's best to make decisions in the absence of your mind... because if your heart and your mind are not in sync... you usually end up screwing yourself over.

Too Much Tv said...

but im a psych. I have to look at it from the mind. Heart can only matter one person or place at a time. So for me it hasnt mattered for a while.

T...Mel said...

what exactly does that mean "it hasn't mattered for a while..." its just important to be happy with yourself before you make the world around you better...otherwise it'll all come crashing down. trust me this once?